• Hyf æce

    Weapon (great axe), unique (requires attunement by a creature proficient with great axes)

    “Hyf æce” (Hive Cleaver in the ancient tongue) is a massive axe that resembles a common hive tool used by apiarists but is scaled up to enormous proportions. It’s forged to serve as both a weapon and a utility tool, making it a versatile piece of equipment in the hands of a skilled warrior.

    Properties. Hyf æce functions as a great axe, dealing 1d12 slashing damage, plus 1d4 poison damage. It is magical and has +1 to attack rolls. On a hit, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute.

    Special Feature: Hook. You can use one of your actions to use the hooked end of the Hive Tool to trip an opponent and knock them prone.

    Special Feature: Buzzing Strike. If you score a critical hit with the Hive Cleaver, the weapon emits a faint buzzing sound, and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become distracted by the noise. A distracted creature has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.

  • Bra of Fascination

    Bra of Fascination

    Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

    This exquisitely crafted and well-proportioned bra radiates an aura of allure and charm (enchantment school), making it a powerful tool for those who dare to wear it. Designed for universal use, it can be worn by any gender and its effects are not bound by the gender of the target.

    When the wearer of the Bra of Fascination comes within melee range of a creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving throw or become charmed by the wearer. The charm effect only functions if the creature can see the bra and the wearer is not obscured from view.

    While charmed, the target is captivated by the bra and regards the wearer as a trusted ally or someone to be admired.

    The charm ends if:

    • The charmed creature takes damage.
    • The wearer and the charmed creature move out of melee range from each other.

    Additional Details:

    • The bra must be worn on top of any other clothes as an outer garment otherwise it is not visible and won’t work, and only functions as an ordinary bra.
    • Only one creature can be charmed at a time.
    • This charm effect does not stack with other charm effects, but the wearer may attempt to charm a new target if the previous charm ends.
    • The Bra of Fascination’s magic does not affect creatures that are immune to being charmed or those that cannot see.
    • The Bra of Fascination’s magic does not affect creatures that have a sufficiently different physiology from humanoids.

    Rarity: Very rare

  • Red Tape

    Red Tape

    Wonderous item, very rare

    This item is a 4-meter-long red ribbon that can be easily rolled or scrunched. When used in combat, the Red Tape can be thrown as a ranged weapon or used with a touch attack to ensnare a target in its binding grasp.

    • Range: 10 meters (ranged attack)
    • Attack Modifier: Dexterity modifier added to attack rolls

    When the Red Tape hits a target, it immediately wraps around them and imposes the Bureaucratic Condition.

    Bureaucratic Condition:
    While ensnared, the target must complete a specific task or condition to free themselves from the Red Tape. The condition must be something the target can reasonably achieve, though it may be inconvenient, challenging, or time-consuming.

    The condition can be physical, mental, or skill-based, such as:

    • Successfully hugging the nearest bunny rabbit.
    • Completing a Wisdom (History) check to pass a history quiz.
    • Completing a “Weapons/Spells Safety Induction Module” before using their weapon or spells again.

    The DM determines the condition, tailoring it to the target’s capabilities. Suggested Difficulty Class (DC) for resolving the condition is 12-15.

    While affected by the Red Tape:

    • The target’s movement speed is halved, unless the movement directly contributes to resolving the imposed condition.
    • The target has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks, unless the action directly pertains to resolving the condition.

    The condition persists until successfully resolved or the Red Tape is removed by external means, such as a successful Strength check (DC 15) to tear it off or a dispel magic spell.

    The Red Tape regains its full functionality at the end of a long rest if it has been torn or dispelled.

    Rarity: Very rare