Tag: d20

  • Mage Tower

    Mage Tower

    Currently the abode of a wizard trying to make her constructs by using magic items as a power source. A one-shot adventure for 4 level 3 characters. Level 1 (Top right on the map below) Room 1 Room 1 is a large room about 25ft. by 45ft. Stairs at the far end of the room…

  • Bog Golem

    Created from the mud, slime, sticks, and moss of a nearby swamp, the Bog Animata is a Golem-like creature.

  • Minotaur Lair

    Minotaur Lair

    An underground lair is home to a nasty brute: Kevin the Undead Minotaur!

  • Room of Doom, Version 2

    Room of Doom, Version 2

    This is the second of three versions of this room. The chest is, in fact, a mimic and will hungrily attempt to devour any adventurer that gets close enough. Mimic (Mature) Medium monstrosity (shape changer), neutral Armor Class 12 (natural Armour) Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Speed 15ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA…

  • Room of Doom, Version 1

    Room of Doom, Version 1

    I’m planning to inflict this room on my players 3 times over the course of them gaining several levels. The room will look identical each time, but be subtly different. This is the first version of the room. The platform is, in fact, a pressure plate and any change in weight on the platform will…

  • critical fail

    I love a good random table, but my problem with some charts is the distribution. A simple d100 for a chart is a linear distribution, but if you roll multiple dice, like the 3d6 for character generation, you get more of a bell curve with most rolls falling in the middle, around 10 or 11.…

  • faithful chest

    faithful chest

    This one is inspired by The Luggage from Diskworld and is part Mimic and part Bag of Holding. It’s a small chest, 12 inches long by 7 inches wide and 5 inches high (not including the lid). When open, the inside is an extra dimensional space which can hold a lot more than the exterior…