Category: Adventures

  • World Building Tools

    World Building Tools

    Made with Hex Kit.

    I enjoy world building and writing campaigns that I expect will never see the light of day. I haven’t run or played in any RPGs in a few years, but I still like to goof around dreaming up spells, items, and maps.

    I’ve previously written about the tools I used to use, but since I’m not running games anymore, some of them are no longer relevant to me so I have cancelled subscriptions to any of the sites I had to pay for, but I’m always on the lookout for tools I can use to generate ideas. (Although I’m still paying for my son’s subscription to D&D Beyond, which he does routinely use)

    Mapping is the main thing for me at the moment so let’s take a look at my current favourite mapping tools, from macro to micro:

    • World maps
    • Region maps
    • City/town maps
    • Dungeon maps
    • Battle maps

    World maps: I just discovered Azgaar Fantasy Map Generator. Gods this is good. It looks like it’s been around for a few years, but is still under active development, which is great. What is also great is that it’s free. At first, I thought it was just another random map generator that made particularly good looking maps, but it’s an amazingly comprehensive web based app that runs in the browser. Almost every aspect of the maps is customisable, down to naming conventions for regions and towns. I’m looking forward to spending more time with this app.

    Azgaar map

    Region maps: I’m not sure about region maps. I’ve been drawing them by hand, but I wonder if Azgaar might be able to handle this as well. I’ll post something about it once I figure it out.

    I should also mention Hexkit. It’s not free, but it’s not expensive at $15USD as a one off price (no subscription). It has a particular aesthetic, with bold hex lines and simple graphics, but it’s a lot of fun to play with. If you are happy with the aesthetic then it’s worth checking out.

    Hex Kit map

    City/town maps: I still love Watabou’s Medieval Fantasy City Generator. It’s very customisable and generates great looking maps. There’s a bunch of other cool stuff by this developer as well. Completely unrelated to map making, Watabou also has a great little game called Patient Rogue, which I love playing.

    Watabou City Generator map

    Dungeon maps: I enjoy drawing these by hand. I’m sure there is smart software for this, but I haven’t found one I’m happy with yet. I’m happy for suggestions.

    Battle maps: I’ll stick to hand drawing these for now.

    I tried using Inkarnate, but the learning curve was steep and I don’t think I ever got the most out of it. It’s meant to be a very capable mapping app, doing everything from the world scale maps down to battle maps, and to be fair, people do great things with Inkarnate, but it’s not for me.

    While writing this post, I logged in and found all my maps had been downgraded to the free plan and all my map assets were gone and the maps now look shite. The funny thing is that I see some tile icons I made myself in this map which are also missing from the current Inkarnate view. How is it that my own content is “premium” and I don’t have access anymore? If I pay the $25USD a year subscription, I’ll get my maps back, but I think I’ll walk away.

    I found a map I made in Inkarnate that I had uploaded to Owlbear Rodeo (before my Inkarnate plan was downgraded). I’m happy with this map, but it would only be worth the subscription fee if I used it regularly.

    Oh well. Like I said; I’ll stick to hand drawn battle maps.

    Map made in Inkarnate (with all assets)
    The same Inkarnate map on the free plan 🙁
  • Mage Tower

    Mage Tower

    Currently the abode of a wizard trying to make her constructs by using magic items as a power source.

    This tower is built on a lone rocky knoll rising from the boggy marsh.

    A one-shot adventure for 4 level 3 characters.

    small underground guard post © 2023 by Lucien Stals is licensed under CC BY 4.0 

    Level 1

    (Top right on the map below)

    Room 1

    Room 1 is a large room about 25ft. by 45ft. Stairs lead up to the far end of the room. There’s a closed door in the wall to the left, and the right-hand side of the room is made up of eight jail cells, each 5 feet square.

    The jail cells contain…

    • Cell “H”, 1 Gnoll
    • Cell “G”, 2 Kobolds
    • Cell “F”, empty
    • Cell “E”, 2 Kobolds
    • Cell “D”, empty
    • Cell “C”, 1 Skeleton (Crumpled in the corner but will stand and fight if its cell is opened)
    • Cell “B”, 1 Skeleton (Crumpled in the corner but will stand and fight if its cell is opened)
    • Cell “A”, 1 Orc

    An Imp is busily unlocking cells and calling “Fight! Fight for your lives!”.

    If the party can approach the tower stealthily, the imp will use its first round to fly to cell “H” and open it. If the imp had any kind of warning (remembering the imp is the mage’s familiar, so it’s in communication with her), then the imp will already have open cell “H” and will be moving to cell “G”.

    Each round, the imp will move to the next cell and release the occupants, skipping the empty cells of course. The imp will open as many cells as possible, but if it’s attacked it will fly up the stairs to escape.

    Room 2

    Store Room.

    General supplies are in here. Extra empty bottles, spare clothes, bedding etc. Some weapons taken from prisoners are kept in here as well.

    • 2 battle axes
    • 2 daggers
    • 1 Longsword
    • 1 set chain mail armour
    • 1 set of leather armour

    Room 3

    Store Room.

    Food and wine are stored here.

    • 5 dozen bottles of average-quality wine. (1gp per bottle, 1lb each)
    • 2 dozen bottles of above-average quality wine (3gp per bottle)
    • 1 dozen bottles of some very nice wine (7gp per bottle)
    • 1 dozen portions of perishable rations (last about 1 week).
    • 1 dozen portions of dry rations. (6gp)
    • An assortment of dried mushrooms (2gp, 1lb)

    2 hams hanging from the ceiling:

    • 1 cured ham, quite nice, worth 10gp.
    • 1 dry-cured ham, rare, worth 30gp.

    A small chest has been placed underneath a barrel filled with rocks that weigh 600 lbs. This will require a combined STR of 20 to lift.

    As soon as the barrel is lifted off the small chest, the chest sprouts a dozen small legs with webbed duck feet. The little feet pitter-patter as the chest scurries away to hide behind one of the crates in the room where it peeks out shyly.

    The chest is a Faithful Chest and will be grateful for being released. If treated nicely by a member of the party, and perhaps fed, it will likely bond with the character and follow them, letting them store treasure in it.

    Level 2

    Living Quarters.

    Room 4


    There’s not much to say about this one. It’s a hallway. 1 door and 2 stairs, one going up, one going down.

    Room 5


    At the end of the room is a desk. Stacks of paper and some quill pens lie about and 2 bottles of ink (8gp each). The notes, written in the mage’s own script, outline experiments to use magical items to power constructs.

    Room 6


    Spare wizard robes and casual clothes. Each outfit is worth about 5sp. There are 10 identical wizard robes, slightly worn, and several other casual outfits can be found in this closet. Some hats and shoes are tossed carelessly in here.

    Room 7


    A reasonably sparse bedroom (the wizard doesn’t spend much time in here when not sleeping). The bed is large and soft.

    There is a large desk against one wall with a small chest on it. The chest has Arcane Lock cast on it (DC 25 to open). The chest contains:

    • 37cp
    • 13sp
    • 37gp
    • 3pp
    • 4 gems worth 40gp, 35gp, 30gp, and 25gp.

    Room 8


    7 identical sets of “wizard” robes in good condition, worth 1gp each. Some nice casual outfits are here as well.

    2 robes appear to be more formal wizards wear and made from silk and worth 10gp each.

    Level 3

    Room 9

    The whole 3rd floor is taken up by the wizards’ lab. This is where she will be found. Three large work tables contain various magical and alchemical apparatus. There is a ladder that leads up to a trapdoor in the ceiling. A magic circle is engraved on the floor near the middle of the room. A medium humanoid thing that appears to be made of mud, sticks, and moss, stands in the magic circle.

    The mage will attempt to engage the party in conversation and even offer them employment to fetch some magic items for her. If negotiations go badly, she will instruct the Bog Golem to attack. She’ll backup the golem, and probably have her familiar attack as well, but if the fight isn’t going well, she’ll use a scroll of dimension door to exit the scene, taking her spell book with her. The imp will either follow through the dimension door or exit via the window.

    On the tables around the room are diagrams and plans for various animata and golems. There is also a map of the local area.

    Level 4

    Room 10

    The roof is accessible via a trap door in the roof. It opens into a covered section of the roof. There is a plush velvet chair up here where you can sit and relax while taking in the view. A small three-legged drinks table stands next to the chair with a bottle of port and glass next to it. The chair has been enchanted to stay in nice shape despite the weather and has an aura of transmutation magic if detected. The table is a magical construct that will run away from anyone who comes near it, while not dropping the bottle or glass.

  • Minotaur Lair

    Minotaur Lair

    This underground lair is home to a nasty brute: Kevin the Undead Minotaur! Kevin has been down here a looooong time and died centuries ago and is now a Mummy Minotaur.

    A one-shot for 4 level 3 characters.

    In the game I was running, I located this dungeon beneath the Onyx Hill Ruins by Dyson Logos, but of course, you can put it anywhere you want.

    Note: There are no light sources anywhere in this dungeon except for those the characters bring with them.

    Level 1

    Level 1 has a large square obsidian column in the middle which slightly tapers towards the top. It is 10 feet wide at the base. The column has an ancient script carved into its surface. If translated, the script tells a tale of ancient battles.

    The four Living Statues’ alcoves, two to the north and two to the south come to life as the party enters and start attacking.

    There is a pressure plate trap (DC 12 to spot) on the ground as the players enter the room which drops a net on anyone who triggers the trap. Effect as per Net from the PHB equipment.

    The spiral stairs at the west end of this level go down to level 2.

    Level 2

    The obsidian column is larger here, 15 feet across at its’ base. There are more statues here, running down each side of the hall. The statues look exactly like the ones on level 1, but there are 18 of them! Fortunately these just regular normal statues. The real danger here are the 5 Shadow creatures in residence here.

    At the East end of this hall is an alter, carved out of the same obsidian as the column. There’s nothing particularly interesting about the alter except for the dark stains on it. Right in front of the alter is an open pit. It’s a 40 foot drop down to the next level but the pit is the only way to get down to the next level.

    Level 3

    Level 3 is covered by a permanent darkness spell in all areas except for the room in the middle where the base of the pillar is. Lots of bones are scattered on the floors of the various caverns down here.

    Kevin The Mummified Minotaur lives (exists?) down here. Between its Blindsight and Labyrinthine Recall, it has no problem with the darkness down here. With nothing better to do, it just wanders the caverns.

    Whenever the players enter a new cavern, there is a 1 in 6 chance the Minotaur will be in this room. It isn’t very hospitable and will attack straight away, starting with its charge attack unless the players can somehow get within 10 feet of it before it attacks.

    If the Minotaur isn’t encountered by the time the players reach the central room, the Minotaur will be there waiting for them and will start attacking using its’ Dreadful Bellow and then charging them.

    The obsidian pillar is quite wide here (20 feet across at the base). There are more inscriptions on the pillar here, telling the tale of XXX. There is a secret door in the pillar which should be relatively hard to find (DC 18). Inside is a stone bench with a small golden bull statue on it. It’s a  figurine of wondrous power, and can become a bull for 8 hours but can’t be used again for 5 days. The bull can be ridden, pull a wagon, and can attack if provoked. See below for stats.

    There is also a scattering of coins of different denominations on the bench worth 223gp

  • Cult of the Evil Snake Dudes

    Cult of the Evil Snake Dudes

    In a mosquito infested swamp where the Cotton Mouths slither, there lies an abandoned temple. Nobody knows what happened to the Snake Cult that lived here and there is little left to mark their passage.

    A one-shot adventure for 4 level 2 characters.

    In addition to the main temple building, there was once a dorm building where the acolytes lived together and four smaller dwellings where the priests each had their own space.

    As the swamp waters rose, the dorm and the individual dwellings became partially submerged in the waters. The doors are swollen shut but are rotted to the point that it wouldn’t take much effort to break them down. Anything inside these buildings of any interest rotted away many years ago.

    The main temple had been built well up from the ground and is still above the water level and is currently home to 5 Giant Poisonous Snakes that are concealed in the leaves and debris that litter the floor, and they are very territorial.

    At the back of the main temple, behind the altar, are some stairs leading down to the underground level. The stairs exit into area 4 in the below ground map.

    The floor in this area is flooded with murky water about 1 foot deep. The water is deepest in the “tail” end of the map (near room 1). The floor level raises a bit towards the “head” end of the map (room 13) where it is only a few inches deep.

    Since this dungeon has been long abandoned, the only inhabitants of this place are the undead and some snakes.

    Room 2 is a library but all the books are rotted away. There is a secret door (DC 10 to spot) to room 1. The door triggers a poison arrow trap (the cultists were fond of their poison) that fires when the secret door is opened (DC 15 to find the trap. Dex save DC 12 to dodge. If hit, DC 12 Con save. On a failed save, applies Poisoned status for 1 hour. Successful save means no poison). There are more library books in room 1 as this was where the priests kept their more valuable books. Again, most of them are rotted away, but there might be a few salvageable books or scrolls here suitable for the characters level.

    There is a pit trap at location 3. Keep in mind that nearly 1 foot of murky water covers the trap, so is very difficult to spot (DC 16). Fortunately, being underwater means that the pit is full of water and you only have to swim to the other side. Just watch out for the 4 Poisonous Snakes that come out to say “hi”.

    Area 4 is the staircase to the temple above. There is 1 foot of murky water at the bottom of the stairs.

    Rooms 5, 6, and 7 are old studies and bedrooms for the highest-level priests. This would make great spots for some skeleton priests.

    (I honestly forget what I had planned for the trap at location 8. Another pit trap would be boring, so maybe a Gelatinous Cube living here instead of a trap.)

    The trap at location 10 (DC 14 to spot) is a combination alarm and Net trap. The net falls from the ceiling covering the 5ft by 10ft area indicated on the map. The net restrains anybody under it when it falls, while the alarm bell alerts some skeletal warriors in room 11 who come out to attack while the party is distracted by the net. If the players enter room 11, more skeleton warriors emerge from rooms 9 and 12, attempting to surprise the party (DC 12 stealth).

    Room 13 is where the treasure is, on the raised platform in the centre of the room. The water is only an inch deep here and the platform is raised above the water level and is dry.

    The trap in room 13 is another water-filled pit trap, but since the water is much shallower here, it’s easy to spot (DC 11). Spotting the trap might help because it is where a Giant Zombie Constrictor Snake lives. The snake is not a pretty sight, with layers of skin peeling off and snake rib bones poking out.

    Map of the above ground temple. Note the insert in the top right of the map also shows the location of the dorms.

    Underground map

    Underground Snake Cult Lair
  • Free Material

    Free Material

    Public Service Announcement: Wizards are making a bunch of gaming resources available for free during the COVID-19 lockdown.

    Have a look at their Free Material site for a heap of modules and stuff.

    Alas, this content is no longer free. No lockdown = no free stuff 😭

    I’ve been using some of this free material to get my sons’ campaign started before I get into some of my custom stuff.

    I love world-building, but I have to say it’s been nice to have a few side quests up my sleeve that have already been written and are ready to go 😀

  • Room of Doom, Version 3

    Room of Doom, Version 3

    This is the third of three versions of this room.

    The room is 35ft. square with the walls and floor made of masonry. There is a 5ft. square stone platform in the middle of the room raised about 6 inches from the floor. A large wooden chest sits in the middle of the raised platform. The room has a high ceiling of about 23ft. There is only one door in this room.

    The whole room is a gigantic ancient mimic. The chest is to lure hapless adventurers into the room at which point the “door”, which is its mouth, will close and the mimic will proceed with digest anyone inside it.

    Mimic (Ancient)

    Huge monstrosity (shape changer), neutral

    • Armor Class 16 (natural Armour)
    • Hit Points 128 (16d8 + 64)
    • Speed 15ft.

    21 (+5) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 7 (-2) 13 (+1) 8 (-1)

    • Skills Stealth +5
    • Damage Immunities acid
    • Condition Immunities prone
    • Senses darkvision 60ft., passive perception 11
    • Languages
    • Challenge 8 (3900 xp)

    Shapechanger. The mimic can use its action to polymorph into an object or back into its true, amorphous form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

    Adhesive (Object Form Only). The mimic adheres to anything that touches it. A Huge or smaller creature adhered to the mimic is also grappled by it (escape DC 13). Ability checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage.

    False Appearance (Object Form Only). While the mimic remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary object.

    Grappler. The mimic has advantage on attack rolls against any creature grappled by it.


    Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit : 11 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the mimic is in object form, the target is subjected to its Adhesive trait.

    Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage plus 6 (2d6) acid damage.

  • Room of Doom, Version 2

    Room of Doom, Version 2

    This is the second of three versions of this room.

    The room is 35ft. square with the walls and floor made of masonry. There is a 5ft. square stone platform in the middle of the room raised about 6 inches from the floor. A large wooden chest sits in the middle of the raised platform. The room has a high ceiling of about 23ft. There is only one door in this room.

    The chest is, in fact, a mimic and will hungrily attempt to devour any adventurer that gets close enough.

    Mimic (Mature)

    Medium monstrosity (shape changer), neutral

    • Armor Class 12 (natural Armour)
    • Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
    • Speed 15ft.

    17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 5 (-3) 13 (+1) 8 (-1)

    • Skills Stealth +5
    • Damage Immunities acid
    • Condition Immunities prone
    • Senses darkvision 60ft., passive perception 11
    • Languages
    • Challenge 2 (450xp)

    Shapechanger. The mimic can use its action to polymorph into an object or back into its true, amorphous form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

    Adhesive (Object Form Only). The mimic adheres to anything that touches it. A Huge or smaller creature adhered to the mimic is also grappled by it (escape DC 13). Ability checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage.

    False Appearance (Object Form Only). While the mimic remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary object.

    Grappler. The mimic has advantage on attack rolls against any creature grappled by it.


    Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit : 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the mimic is in object form, the target is subjected to its Adhesive trait.

    Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) acid damage.

  • Room of Doom, Version 1

    Room of Doom, Version 1

    I’m planning to inflict this room on my players 3 times over the course of them gaining several levels. The room will look identical each time, but be subtly different. This is the first version of the room.

    The room is 35ft. square with the walls and floor made of masonry. There is a 5ft. square stone platform in the middle of the room raised about 6 inches from the floor. A large wooden chest sits in the middle of the raised platform. The room has a high ceiling of about 23ft. There is only one door in this room.

    The platform is, in fact, a pressure plate and any change in weight on the platform will trigger the trap. DC20 to find the trap trigger. Disarming the trap is a different matter. The party would have to figure out that the block above the doorway is the “trap”, and have to find some way to prevent it from falling (DC25 to disarm trap).

    If the trap is sprung, a huge block of stone will drop to seal the door. The block of stone is very heavy. It’s 5ft. square and 15ft. tall, so it will be almost impossible to lift. (Google tells me that 5*5*15 feet of sandstone should weight ~56,000lbs.) The block is a tight fit. As the block falls, it releases a massive flow of water into the room from a cistern above which the block was holding back. The water will quickly fill the room at a rate of 5ft deep per turn. The room will be full in 5 turns. The room holds 28,175 cubic feet of water.

    The cistern above is a chamber 20 feet square and 71 feet deep, holding 28,400 cubic feet of water. Enough to fill the room below with a little bit of water leftover filling most of the aqueduct connecting the cistern to the trapped room. (I was nice to the party when they were in here. My cistern filled by a natural spring in another chamber above the cistern that the players were able to climb up to and escape.)

    Let the party be creative.

    Air will run out rapidly in the room. How long can the party hold their breath?
    (It turns out 5e D&D swimming speed combined with suffocation rules make it very easy for the party to escape this trap. They can hold their breath 1 minute plus 1 minute per CON bonus. Swim speed is half normal movement speed. At maximum it would take them 5 turns to swim out of here once the water stopped flowing. 5 turns is only half a minute in D&D, so even without and CON bonuses, they can escape in 30 seconds, with 30 seconds to spare before they start drowning).

    It’s up to the DM how sadistic they want to be. Electric eels in the water could be fun 😀

    Perhaps once the water stops flowing when the room is full, they can swim out the way the water came in and escape via the now empty cistern?

  • underhill


    After seeing Dyson Logo’s beautiful little map of Onyx Hill, I decided to have a crack at drawing what lies beneath the hill. I’m planning to add this to my son’s game. I don’t think he’s going to find this site before we get to the location in the game.

    I figured the base of the onyx pillar would get bigger as it goes down. Perhaps there are some long lost inscriptions on the pillar in the depths. I’ve also added a small hidden nook at the very base.

    The trick to getting down to level three is that you need to go down the pit trap in front of the altar on level two.

    The image above is 72 dpi.
    The image below is 300 dpi.