Category: Gaming

  • World Building Tools

    World Building Tools

    Made with Hex Kit.

    I enjoy world building and writing campaigns that I expect will never see the light of day. I haven’t run or played in any RPGs in a few years, but I still like to goof around dreaming up spells, items, and maps.

    I’ve previously written about the tools I used to use, but since I’m not running games anymore, some of them are no longer relevant to me so I have cancelled subscriptions to any of the sites I had to pay for, but I’m always on the lookout for tools I can use to generate ideas. (Although I’m still paying for my son’s subscription to D&D Beyond, which he does routinely use)

    Mapping is the main thing for me at the moment so let’s take a look at my current favourite mapping tools, from macro to micro:

    • World maps
    • Region maps
    • City/town maps
    • Dungeon maps
    • Battle maps

    World maps: I just discovered Azgaar Fantasy Map Generator. Gods this is good. It looks like it’s been around for a few years, but is still under active development, which is great. What is also great is that it’s free. At first, I thought it was just another random map generator that made particularly good looking maps, but it’s an amazingly comprehensive web based app that runs in the browser. Almost every aspect of the maps is customisable, down to naming conventions for regions and towns. I’m looking forward to spending more time with this app.

    Azgaar map

    Region maps: I’m not sure about region maps. I’ve been drawing them by hand, but I wonder if Azgaar might be able to handle this as well. I’ll post something about it once I figure it out.

    I should also mention Hexkit. It’s not free, but it’s not expensive at $15USD as a one off price (no subscription). It has a particular aesthetic, with bold hex lines and simple graphics, but it’s a lot of fun to play with. If you are happy with the aesthetic then it’s worth checking out.

    Hex Kit map

    City/town maps: I still love Watabou’s Medieval Fantasy City Generator. It’s very customisable and generates great looking maps. There’s a bunch of other cool stuff by this developer as well. Completely unrelated to map making, Watabou also has a great little game called Patient Rogue, which I love playing.

    Watabou City Generator map

    Dungeon maps: I enjoy drawing these by hand. I’m sure there is smart software for this, but I haven’t found one I’m happy with yet. I’m happy for suggestions.

    Battle maps: I’ll stick to hand drawing these for now.

    I tried using Inkarnate, but the learning curve was steep and I don’t think I ever got the most out of it. It’s meant to be a very capable mapping app, doing everything from the world scale maps down to battle maps, and to be fair, people do great things with Inkarnate, but it’s not for me.

    While writing this post, I logged in and found all my maps had been downgraded to the free plan and all my map assets were gone and the maps now look shite. The funny thing is that I see some tile icons I made myself in this map which are also missing from the current Inkarnate view. How is it that my own content is “premium” and I don’t have access anymore? If I pay the $25USD a year subscription, I’ll get my maps back, but I think I’ll walk away.

    I found a map I made in Inkarnate that I had uploaded to Owlbear Rodeo (before my Inkarnate plan was downgraded). I’m happy with this map, but it would only be worth the subscription fee if I used it regularly.

    Oh well. Like I said; I’ll stick to hand drawn battle maps.

    Map made in Inkarnate (with all assets)
    The same Inkarnate map on the free plan 🙁

  • Carbon Spear

    Carbon Spear

    Carbon Spear, AKA Speed of Dark.

    Weapon (Spear), very rare (requires attunement)

    cc 4.0, Lucien Stals

    A long time ago, on a mountaintop far, far away, a mighty storm let loose elemental forces, and in its fury, lightning nearly blew the top off the mountain. After the slag had cooled, all that remained of the sacred tree that had once stood there was a charred branch that had been transformed into superconducting carbon.

    An Elven mage, investigating the blast, found the brach. Bringing it back to his workshop, he reinforced it with runes of power and topped it with highly conductive meteor metal which he forged into a spearhead. Thus the Carbon Spear was born.

    The spear is a magical +2 to hit and damage weapon. On a hit from a normal attack, it deals an additional 1d8 lightning damage.

    Immediately after hitting or missing, the weapon flies back to your hand.

    The spear has a maximum of 6 charges. The spear regains 1d6 charges after a long rest. If there is a storm during the long rest, the spear automatically fills to its maximum number of charges.

    Lightning Arrow Effect

    When the spear is thrown, you can spend one charge to have it act as per the Lightning Arrow spell:

    The weapon transforms into a bolt of lightning. Make the attack roll as normal. The target takes 4d8 lightning damage on a hit, or half as much damage on a miss, instead of the weapon’s normal damage.

    Whether you hit or miss, each creature within 10 feet of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 10 + your Dexterity bonus). Each creature takes 2d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

    The spear returns to its normal form and immediately returns to your hand.

    Teleport effect

    When the spear is thrown, you can spend two charges to teleport to wherever the spear hits. You must roll to hit the target. Normal spear throwing rules and distances apply.

    On a hit, you are transported in a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder to where the spear hits.

    When transported, the flash of lightning briefly illuminates the path of the spear in bright light to 30 feet and dim light to another 30 feet. The thunderclap can be heard up to 100 feet away.

  • Hyf æce

    Weapon (great axe), unique (requires attunement by a creature proficient with great axes)

    “Hyf æce” (Hive Cleaver in the ancient tongue) is a massive axe that resembles a common hive tool used by apiarists but is scaled up to enormous proportions. It’s forged to serve as both a weapon and a utility tool, making it a versatile piece of equipment in the hands of a skilled warrior.

    Properties. Hyf æce functions as a great axe, dealing 1d12 slashing damage, plus 1d4 poison damage. It is magical and has +1 to attack rolls. On a hit, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute.

    Special Feature: Hook. You can use one of your actions to use the hooked end of the Hive Tool to trip an opponent and knock them prone.

    Special Feature: Buzzing Strike. If you score a critical hit with the Hive Cleaver, the weapon emits a faint buzzing sound, and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become distracted by the noise. A distracted creature has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.

  • Bone Saw’d

    Bone Saw’d

    Rare Longsword

    This sword has a row of wicked sharp teeth and is made from the jawbone of some immense animal, possibly a prehistoric beast. The handle is bound in rough leather, perhaps from the same beast that provided the jawbone.

    Weapon (longsword), rare

    This Bone Saw’d has the same stats as a normal longsword but is imbued with primal magic, granting it a +1 bonus to attack and damage.

    In addition to all it’s regular nasty sharp teeth, the sword has 6 magic teeth (that function like charges in other magic items.) 1d6 expended teeth regrow daily at dawn.

    Bone Spurs

    As an action, one tooth can be usedto unleash the sword’s primal power. The tooth can be fired at a point you can see within 60 feet. Sharp spikes of bone sprout from that point in a 5-foot-radius centred on that point.

    • Effect: The area becomes difficult terrain.
    • Damage: When a creature moves into or within the area, it takes 2d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.

    The bone spurs crumble to dust at the end of their 1 minute duration.


    As an action, one tooth can be fired directly at another creature. This attack is treated as a heavy crossbow, but includes the Bone Saw’ds +1 to hit and damge.

  • AI Generated Images

    AI Generated Images

    AI Generated image

    I’ve fallen in love with AI images.

    I try to use as much of my own and my son Hugos’ illustrations but it’s not always practical. I have started using AI art as feature images. It can be hard trying to come up with a prompt that gets the image I want, and sometimes the AI is just crap, but it usually comes up with something fun. Even the goofy images where people have three eyes and seven fingers are endearing.

    I’ll try to keep AI to a minimum and use Hugos’ or my drawing as much as possible, but where I don’t have decent artwork, AI can jump in with some quirky fun.

  • Bra of Fascination

    Bra of Fascination

    Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

    This exquisitely crafted and well-proportioned bra radiates an aura of allure and charm (enchantment school), making it a powerful tool for those who dare to wear it. Designed for universal use, it can be worn by any gender and its effects are not bound by the gender of the target.

    When the wearer of the Bra of Fascination comes within melee range of a creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving throw or become charmed by the wearer. The charm effect only functions if the creature can see the bra and the wearer is not obscured from view.

    While charmed, the target is captivated by the bra and regards the wearer as a trusted ally or someone to be admired.

    The charm ends if:

    • The charmed creature takes damage.
    • The wearer and the charmed creature move out of melee range from each other.

    Additional Details:

    • The bra must be worn on top of any other clothes as an outer garment otherwise it is not visible and won’t work, and only functions as an ordinary bra.
    • Only one creature can be charmed at a time.
    • This charm effect does not stack with other charm effects, but the wearer may attempt to charm a new target if the previous charm ends.
    • The Bra of Fascination’s magic does not affect creatures that are immune to being charmed or those that cannot see.
    • The Bra of Fascination’s magic does not affect creatures that have a sufficiently different physiology from humanoids.

    Rarity: Very rare

  • Red Tape

    Red Tape

    Wonderous item, very rare

    This item is a 4-meter-long red ribbon that can be easily rolled or scrunched. When used in combat, the Red Tape can be thrown as a ranged weapon or used with a touch attack to ensnare a target in its binding grasp.

    • Range: 10 meters (ranged attack)
    • Attack Modifier: Dexterity modifier added to attack rolls

    When the Red Tape hits a target, it immediately wraps around them and imposes the Bureaucratic Condition.

    Bureaucratic Condition:
    While ensnared, the target must complete a specific task or condition to free themselves from the Red Tape. The condition must be something the target can reasonably achieve, though it may be inconvenient, challenging, or time-consuming.

    The condition can be physical, mental, or skill-based, such as:

    • Successfully hugging the nearest bunny rabbit.
    • Completing a Wisdom (History) check to pass a history quiz.
    • Completing a “Weapons/Spells Safety Induction Module” before using their weapon or spells again.

    The DM determines the condition, tailoring it to the target’s capabilities. Suggested Difficulty Class (DC) for resolving the condition is 12-15.

    While affected by the Red Tape:

    • The target’s movement speed is halved, unless the movement directly contributes to resolving the imposed condition.
    • The target has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks, unless the action directly pertains to resolving the condition.

    The condition persists until successfully resolved or the Red Tape is removed by external means, such as a successful Strength check (DC 15) to tear it off or a dispel magic spell.

    The Red Tape regains its full functionality at the end of a long rest if it has been torn or dispelled.

    Rarity: Very rare

  • Solar Flare

    Solar Flare

    The brightest light casts the darkest shadows.

    4th-level evocation

    Casting Time: 1 action
    Range: 40 meters
    Components: V, S
    Duration: Instantaneous

    You conjure a radiant mote of pure light and hurl it to a point within range. Upon impact, the mote explodes into a brilliant burst of light.

    Light Effect:
    The explosion fills a 10-meter radius centred on the target point with searing light that counts as sunlight for the purposes of sunlight sensitivity. Creatures within the radius must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of your next turn. The burst deals 5d6 radiant damage to all creatures in the area. Creatures with Sunlight Sensitivity take 5d10 radiant damage instead.

    The burst illuminates an additional 10 meters beyond the radius with bright light, providing full visibility in the area.

    The light cannot shine around corners, but it can cast shadows.

    Shadow Effect:
    Objects and creatures within the initial 10-meter radius that block the light cast dark shadows that stretch another 10 meters beyond their edges. These shadows are filled with magical darkness, obscuring vision (even for creatures with darkvision) and dealing 5d6 necrotic damage to creatures that begin their turn within the area.

    The shadows and their effects persist for 1 minute or until dispelled.

    At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the radiant and necrotic damage both increase by 1d6 for each slot level above 5th.

    Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard

  • Mage Tower

    Mage Tower

    Currently the abode of a wizard trying to make her constructs by using magic items as a power source.

    This tower is built on a lone rocky knoll rising from the boggy marsh.

    A one-shot adventure for 4 level 3 characters.

    Level 1

    (Top right on the map below)

    Room 1

    Room 1 is a large room about 25ft. by 45ft. Stairs lead up to the far end of the room. There’s a closed door in the wall to the left, and the right-hand side of the room is made up of eight jail cells, each 5 feet square.

    The jail cells contain…

    • Cell “H”, 1 Gnoll
    • Cell “G”, 2 Kobolds
    • Cell “F”, empty
    • Cell “E”, 2 Kobolds
    • Cell “D”, empty
    • Cell “C”, 1 Skeleton (Crumpled in the corner but will stand and fight if its cell is opened)
    • Cell “B”, 1 Skeleton (Crumpled in the corner but will stand and fight if its cell is opened)
    • Cell “A”, 1 Orc

    An Imp is busily unlocking cells and calling “Fight! Fight for your lives!”.

    If the party can approach the tower stealthily, the imp will use its first round to fly to cell “H” and open it. If the imp had any kind of warning (remembering the imp is the mage’s familiar, so it’s in communication with her), then the imp will already have open cell “H” and will be moving to cell “G”.

    Each round, the imp will move to the next cell and release the occupants, skipping the empty cells of course. The imp will open as many cells as possible, but if it’s attacked it will fly up the stairs to escape.

    Room 2

    Store Room.

    General supplies are in here. Extra empty bottles, spare clothes, bedding etc. Some weapons taken from prisoners are kept in here as well.

    • 2 battle axes
    • 2 daggers
    • 1 Longsword
    • 1 set chain mail armour
    • 1 set of leather armour

    Room 3

    Store Room.

    Food and wine are stored here.

    • 5 dozen bottles of average-quality wine. (1gp per bottle, 1lb each)
    • 2 dozen bottles of above-average quality wine (3gp per bottle)
    • 1 dozen bottles of some very nice wine (7gp per bottle)
    • 1 dozen portions of perishable rations (last about 1 week).
    • 1 dozen portions of dry rations. (6gp)
    • An assortment of dried mushrooms (2gp, 1lb)

    2 hams hanging from the ceiling:

    • 1 cured ham, quite nice, worth 10gp.
    • 1 dry-cured ham, rare, worth 30gp.

    A small chest has been placed underneath a barrel filled with rocks that weighs 600 lbs. This will require a combined STR of 20 to lift.

    As soon as the barrel is lifted off the small chest, the chest sprouts a dozen small legs with webbed duck feet. The little feet pitter-patter as the chest scurries away to hide behind one of the crates in the room where it peeks out shyly.

    The chest is a Faithful Chest and will be grateful for being released. If treated nicely by a member of the party, and perhaps fed, it will likely bond with the character and follow them, letting them store treasure in it.

    Level 2

    Living Quarters.

    Room 4


    There’s not much to say about this one. It’s a hallway. 1 door and 2 stairs, one going up, one going down.

    Room 5


    At the end of the room is a desk. Stacks of paper and some quill pens lie about and 2 bottles of ink (8gp each). The notes, written in the mage’s own script, outline experiments to use magical items to power constructs.

    Room 6


    Spare wizard robes and casual clothes. Each outfit is worth about 5sp. There are 10 identical wizard robes, slightly worn, and several other casual outfits can be found in this closet. Some hats and shoes are tossed carelessly in here.

    Room 7


    A reasonably sparse bedroom (the wizard doesn’t spend much time in here when not sleeping). The bed is large and soft.

    There is a large desk against one wall with a small chest on it. The chest has Arcane Lock cast on it (DC 25 to open). The chest contains:

    • 37cp
    • 13sp
    • 37gp
    • 3pp
    • 4 gems worth 40gp, 35gp, 30gp, and 25gp.

    Room 8


    7 identical sets of “wizard” robes in good condition, worth 1gp each. Some nice casual outfits are here as well.

    2 robes appear to be more formal wizards wear and made from silk and worth 10gp each.

    Level 3

    Room 9

    The whole 3rd floor is taken up by the wizards’ lab. This is where she will be found. Three large work tables contain various magical and alchemical apparatus. There is a ladder that leads up to a trapdoor in the ceiling. A magic circle is engraved on the floor near the middle of the room. A medium humanoid thing that appears to be made of mud, sticks, and moss, stands in the magic circle.

    The mage will attempt to engage the party in conversation and even offer them employment to fetch some magic items for her. If negotiations go badly, she will instruct the Bog Golem to attack. She’ll backup the golem, and probably have her familiar attack as well, but if the fight isn’t going well, she’ll use a scroll of dimension door to exit the scene, taking her spell book with her. The imp will either follow through the dimension door or exit via the window.

    On the tables around the room are diagrams and plans for various animata and golems. There is also a map of the local area.

    Level 4

    Room 10

    The roof is accessible via a trap door in the roof. It opens into a covered section of the roof. There is a plush velvet chair up here where you can sit and relax while taking in the view. A small three-legged drinks table stands next to the chair with a bottle of port and glass next to it. The chair has been enchanted to stay in nice shape despite the weather and has an aura of transmutation magic if detected. The table is a magical construct that will run away from anyone who comes near it, while not dropping the bottle or glass.

  • Bog Golem

    Bog Golem
    Bog Golem, AI generated image

    Bog Golem

    Medium Humanoid, Unaligned

    Armour Class 15 (Natural Armour)

    Hit Points 70 (10d12+10)

    Speed 15 feet

    16 (+3)14 (+2)12 (+1)10 (+0)12 (+0)6 (+0)

    Senses Passive Perception 5

    Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks

    Damage Immunities Lightning, Poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks

    Condition Immunities CharmedExhaustionFrightenedParalyzedPetrifiedPoisoned

    Languages Understands the languages of its creator but can’t speak

    Challenge 3

    Proficiency Bonus +3

    Aversion of Fire. If the golem takes fire damage, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the end of its next turn.

    Spike Growth (Recharge 5-6): As a bonus action, the Animata can cast Spike Growth. The effect spreads rapidly out from where the Animata is standing and can’t be cast at range. The Animata is not affected by the spell and can move freely and without taking damage while in the affected area. If the Animata moves, the Spike Growth area remains where it was. The Animata does not need to concentrate to maintain the spell, but it only lasts 1 minute.


    Multiattack. This creature can attack twice per round

    Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) bludgeoning damage.